Renewables Academy Berlin 2009
El objetivo del Proyecto TREE (Transfer in Renewable Energy and Efficiency – Transferencia en EnergÃas Renovables y Eficiencia Energética) es la transferencia de conocimientos y Know-how en temas de EnergÃas Renovables, Eficiencia Energética y Cambio Climático, para tomadores de deciciones e Ingenieros de paÃses emergentes y en vias de desarrollo.
Acción Sustentable participó de esta experiencia durante Enero de 2009 en BerlÃn , en la RENAC – Renewables Academy (Academia de EnergÃas Renovables de BerlÃn) en el Seminario de EnergÃa Solar Fotovoltaica desconectada de la red eléctrica (off-grid photovoltaic).
The objective of TREE is to facilitate the transfer of know-how in renewable energies, energy efficiency and climate protection, for decision makers, high potentials and engineers from developing and emerging countries.
Seminar for Engineers on Off-grid Photovoltaic Systems
Course description:
This course covers all the main aspects of the design, installation, maintenance and management of off-grid PV systems, the range of applications suitable for off-grid PV, as well as the main important non-technical issues (project management, calculation of profitability, marketing and financing). The course combines theory with practical exercises in the PV training centre.
* Overview of renewable energy technologies
* Range of solar electric systems
* Applications and case studies
* Solar modules
* System components (controllers, inverters, batteries etc.)
* System installation and commissioning
* System design and sizing
* Practical exercises in system assembly
* Non-technical issues
* To provide a comprehensive and detailed overview of the design, installation and management of off-grid PV systems.
* To provide a comprehensive and detailed overview of commercially available PV off-grid system components such as PV modules, charge controllers, inverters, batteries and DC appliances.
* To provide practical hands-on experience of the assembly, testing and commissioning of off-grid PV systems in a workshop setting.
* Familiarise course participants with the main non-technical issues associated with the planning and management off-grid PV projects.
Berlin, RENAC Training Center, Schönhauser Allee 10-11, 10119 Berlin, Deutschland
Renewables Academy AG (RENAC)